Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Not-at-all Wordless Wednesday.

Hello blog. I've missed you. Here's a few pictures of what the Brewer gang/clan/bunch/murder (like crows)/gaggle/family (I like "Brewer murder". Intense.) have been up to since Valentine's Day.

Josiah is really learning to read. He enjoys it too! It's amazing to watch him become a BIG kid. He was "accepted"into Aveson Charter School in Altadeana. Woohoo! 

Captain America and an improvised Hulk stopped by after seeing the  new Avenger's trailer.

Cameron and I spent a weekend in San Diego for the Real Marriage Conference.
 Clearly, as you can see from this pic,
it was rough.

We found a new favorite spot: The Dog Hause. 

We made biscuits & dumplings. 
We planted herbs & lavendar. They are already starting to sprout.

My kids found some new BFFs at Disneyland.

My kids found friends from church at Disneyland. What a great moment. 

There have been quite a few visits to the library & park. It's within walking distance.

Cameron is not a beach guy. At all. Even in Coronado.

Cameron volunteers for tear down after second service. The kids love it.
They will dive in and help with the little things & then play in one of the  rooms until
he's done. I love the view from the class room. 

After waiting for 7 months, the Pasadena Community Garden is opening! It's a community outreach through the Harambee center. Please go read their story. It's amazing. We are sharing a plot with our neighbor's downstairs.

Last but not least, I had to share this. In early February we went to see Ben Kweller at Amoeba records (as I mentioned here). A few weeks later, I was perusing articles about the concert and happened upon a picture of Mae-Mae & I! A pro-photog snapped a picture of me comforting a grouchy & sick Mae by singing to her. I love it!


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