Thursday, December 27, 2012

"We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice. "

Christmas Eve consisted of going to the gym, Subway for lunch, playing trouble and having Mexican Coca Cola.
You know, the old traditional Christmas Eve.

We made cookies, played "Little Big Planet" & lounged in new jammies. Cameron opened his very Don Draper-esque Christmas Eve gift.
The kids went to sleep around 8:30 after checking the Google Santa Tracker. 
Cameron and I enjoyed some pink champagne and happily drifted off to Christmas slumber.

The next morning I got up to enjoy a few quiet moments with coffee and a devotional before hearing the kids stirring in their beds. 
I told them to get Dad up and then we could commence Christmas festivities. 
Mae closes her eyes and waits to see what the man in red brought.


Josiah got an R/C car that instantly runs out of batteries.

Pretty stoked on his Spider-Man grooming kit.

Earl was super tired. He'd been up all night waiting for St. Nick.

If you ask Earl where his stocking is- he will trot over and use his stubbed nose to point at it.
Earl likes Christmas.

Josiah got this from Alfred. ( I don't know if other families do this,
but we usually
 put a clever name or theme on our
gift tags instead of our own. For instance,
 I received gifts from both SAMCRO & Ryan Gosling this year.)

Brother knows how to shop for sister.

Christmas delirium. 

All she can talk about right now is having Violet over to play with this.

Easy Bake delicacies. 

Gob would like to remind you that he is a handsome man cat.

Her own razor!

Skylander's Lego things!

My handsome flannel guys.

Ashley got a camera for Christmas. 

Aaron got a ton of accessories for her camera- with lots of swell lenses
that also fit on my camera.

Capturing the spirit of Christmas.

Cameron bought me this little beauty.
...and this cute apron to wear while I use the  food processor.

Klaus contemplates life.

Right before we left my parent's house last night, my brother brought out sparklers for the kids.
It was around 40 degrees and just felt like the perfect end to a wonderful Christmas. 

We had to take some pictures with Lola. 
If you know anything about my parent's three legged dog, you know she's a survivor (parvo, cancer, leg amputation). She is about nine years old and not doing so hot. 
This was her last Christmas and we made sure it was extra special. 
The kids love Lola-Bean and call her Nana Lola (after the dog in Peter Pan). 
She has watched over both my babies since they were born.
She was especially worried if they took a bath or crawled off in the wrong direction.
Lola even supervised the courtship between Cameron and I. She would often make her seat right between us and gnaw at my hand if we tried to hold hands.
Lola is a special dog and I knew I'd regret it if I didn't have a few shots of her with the kids.
Merry Christmas Slowla. 


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