Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Even though my last name has changed, I am still very much a Berry when it comes to Halloween. Why would I be discussing Halloween 5 months in advance? Well, because I plan ahead. Especially this year.
Josiah has requested to be the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who. If you're not familiar, every Doctor from the series has a very identifiable look. Here's snapshots of 1-11:

Quite a few of you, even without knowledge of the show might recognize the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. His long scarf is quite iconic and has been seen on The Simpsons, Family Guy, and other shows. Since the show was rebooted in 2005, it's popularity has grown here in the states. I would say that Matt Smith is probably the most well known Doctor at this point, this side of the pond. He's the youngest of an actor who has played the Doctor (but the oldest version of the Doctor... you figure it out) and he's quite hip. Matt Smith isn't just a sharp dresser as the Doctor, he actually has whole blogs dedicated to his "hipster" style.

Anyway, all this to say that Josiah wants to be the Doctor. This is no easy task. You see, the 11th Doctor wears a tweed jacket, suspenders, a bow tie & layer boots. 

I've been on this fantastic blog, reading about how to recreate this wonderful little outfit. It's not cheap or easy to find items for a 4 year old. 

I'm starting now so that I can gather all the pieces bit by bit. He's got a sonic screwdriver already. It's just a matter of finding the rest. 

P.S. I'd like for Mae to be Amy Pond. This will be much easier. Take a look:
Tights, Converse, skirt/shorts & a sweater. Plus it will be super cute when it's not Halloween. 


Courtney said...

Awesome! I'm thinking of having Aubrie & I be the before & after versions of Rapunzel this year.

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