Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pictures of Vacation that I haven't put on my blog.

Long story short: I forgot the camera while packing for vacation. Thank God my phone takes decent pictures/videos. We needed more room on my computer to upload the pics. Cameron fixed that problem Tuesday. I am now able to upload.  That's why our vacation pics are just now showing up on my blog.
We visited Lone Pine and Bishop in July. The Sierras are one of my favorite places on Earth. Have fun looking at our epic adventure pictures!

Daddy and Siah explore Fossil Falls

The ladies. Mae had a special vacation treat: powder donuts. If you couldn't tell.

My Mom found a cute little horny toad.

First day of rock climbing in the Alabama Hills. That's my Dad up there with a crash mat on his back.

Suprise! I even went for an easy climb!

The creek at Lone Pine park.

Cameron jumps the creek.

Gorgeous scenery from the Visitor's Center.

Mae was cold up at Whitney Portals.

Josiah is a casual fisherman. 

Aunt Toot, Guncle and the kids.

Cameron goes climbing.

Aaron at Manzanar. 

We celebrated Mom-Mom Leo's birthday.

We met Christmas the cat!

Josiah was not too thrilled to get a hair cut.

Hiking with Siah.

Mae goes fishing with her Simpsons fishing pole.

Tejava is one of their favorite drinks. This is slightly odd, it's not sweetened, it's just plain tea. They love it though.

At the pond with Daddy.

Mae's first fish!

Maisy the crazy cat!

Around the campfire. There was a TON of flannel on this vacation. We're pretty grungy.

Brownie mouth!

Around the campfire: You had to wear Mae's Minnie ears
to tell your favorite part of vacation.
Here's Randy sporting them.

Guncle shares.

Dad-Dad Paul is a cowboy Princess.

Mae adjusts Daddy's ears.

Last night in the cabin! 

Josiah is a mule whisperer. 

Josiah learned my parent's room number and made sure to call them a few times.

Mae loves to swaddle any baby she can find.

Karate fight.

                                                       Then hugs.

It's always sad when Randy leaves.

We went to the coffee shop quite a few times. We love it there.

Josiah tries on Mae's swimwear. He didn't have choice.

Swimming. By the end of the trip, Josiah was starting to swim by himself without the vest.

Daddy and his mermaid daughter.

Mae spent most of her time at the motel in the water.

Rock Climbing with Aunt Toot. Josiah is on look-out.

Aunt Toot stole Mae's shirt, leaving her in clothed only in her chonies.

She "takes" pictures with her phone.

Yes, he's actually steering the car in the desert. No one else was around.

Mae takes care of those rattle snakes.

Sun Bathing.

My feets. 

They even got a treat for the ride home: Happy Meals!


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