"Does Penny live in our hearts like Jesus?" Penny is our dog that we had to put down last year.
We went to a Dodger game a few weeks ago and when the Dodgers come up to bat, they get a few seconds of their favorite song to play before hitting.
Josiah tells me "When I'm a Dodger, I'm going to play Foo Fighters when I hit the ball. That will help me."
Here's one from Mae:
I was eating imitation crab awhile ago and when I offered her a piece, she refused and told me "No, that's Dr. Zoidberg!' Google search Doctor Zoidberg if you don't know who he is.
A sweet little question from Siah Man:
"When I get married, can you dance with me to "You've Got a Friend in me"?" :)
"Why do our legs stay on?" I laugh at him. He says "If you can't answer me nicely, don't answer me at all."
Finding out about my sister not feeling good: "I'll make her the greatest cake she's ever seen, too!"
You know that movie "Insidious" that came out a few weeks ago? Well, Siahman was not a fan of the posters that were everywhere. He had told me they scared him. I was getting the coupons out of a Sunday paper when he happened to see an ad for "Insidious". He looks at me dead serious and says "Mom, I have some bad news." "What?" "This." He lifts up the paper and points at the ad.
I've talked about Doctor Who before, but The Doctor's arch enemies are these robots called Daleks. Inside of the Daleks are these squid looking aliens that are hell bent on destroying the universe and The Doctor. Josiah saw the inside for the first time and said
"I would be so angry if I had a talking brain in my head!"
I asked him where something was a couple of months ago and his response:
"On your sleeping desk."
By sleeping desk he means night stand.
"Mom, you can cry out your kidney stones. It comes out when you cry out your kidney water."
"Auntie Toot can be an exerciser when she grows up."
"Mae can be an ice machine worker. She'll get a hat and dress. it will be really nice."
"I'm going to be a turtle trainer when I'm an adult. You'll just need to get me the ooze."
"Mom, you can be a Target Lady for a job. Since you love it there so much."
While looking at an anatomy book in the reproductive organs section:
"These are the two eggs that you keep behind you nake-nake."
My sister sent a picture of the Insidious ad to Josiah on my phone:
"Well, I'm glad that she sent me a picture, but did it have to be a scary one?"
He tells our neighbor Tiffani:
"You have a hole with metal in your nose like my Aunt Toot."
"Mom, use my Robert Downey Jr pillow. It will make you feel better." He's talking about his Iron Man pillow.
Here's my favorite:
Josiah holds a piece of mail up to Gob (our cat) and says " Good news! This says you can have a lady cat to lay your babies! We'll have to work on the nest for their safety. Congratulations!"
Then he walks over to Earl (Our Dog) and repeats the whole spiel, except he replaces "Lady Cat" with "Boxer Woman".
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