Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rescue Cat 911!

I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it.

~Abraham Lincoln

I am the animal lady. I will rescue your animal. I will take in the stray cat, get the lost dog home and feed the feral.
Yesterday we found a stray in the parking lot. While our neighbors could not catch her, my 4 year old, cat-trained boy caught her and came marching back up the stairs declaring "I GOT HER, MOM!" The cat is super sweet and was very hungry. She is lounging on the "bed" the kids made her right now. I'm going to make posters of her and if that fails, take her to the animal rescue.
That is one stray cat who is safe from the outside world.
 Meanwhile in today's news...
 On my way back from my Doctor's appointment (that will be another blog entry), I see a little kitty sitting on the sidewalk looking sick and skinny. I pull over (it's next to Washington and Fair Oaks, two main streets in Pasadena) and I walk slowly. This cat lets me grab her and take her back to the car without a struggle. It's obvious that she doesn't feel good. I check her out and see that she's got a bite on her neck (vampire cats?), torn up little paws and she's missing some fur in different spots). Cameron informs me that he's seen this cat before in the morning in front of the same house. If this cat belongs (I use that term loosely) to someone, they don't deserve it. This cat is in need. I give her some food, she eats. I call the SPCA and they tell me to come down. I drop her off. She's in good hands one way or the other. If she can be rehabilitated, she'll find a forever home. She was a cute little thing. If she's too far gone, she'll have a peaceful death surrounded by loving people instead of on the corner of a cold street or beneath a car's tire.

Moral of the story people: Treat animals well. They are under our stewardship and we need to treat them accordingly. I've already written about that, though. You can read it here.

"All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures."

-St. Francis of Assisi

First Rescue Cat, Angela (as Josiah says).

Second Rescue Cat, Lazy (as Josiah says).


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